O-Ring Groove Calculator Rotary Seal
'Rod' styled O-ring grooves are commonly used dynamic rotary O-ring sealing configurations. This page specifically concerns dynamic (moving) rotary Rod O-ring seals.
The purpose of the calculator below is to serve as a groove calculator for Piston Seal O-ring grooves using all AS568+, JIS, common metric, and custom O-ring sizes.
Please see our General Groove Guide for more information, or feel free to get in touch with our engineers if you have any questions.
*Feet per minute = 0.26 X Shaft Diameter (inches) X rpm
**Total indicator reading between groove OD, shaft, and adjacent bearing surface
*** If clearance (extrusion gap) must be reduced for higher pressures, bearing length M must be no less than the minimum figures given. Clearances given are based on the use of 80 shore durometer minimum O-ring for 55.2 Bar (800 psi) max. See Figure 3-2 for recommended clearances when pressures exceed 55.2 Bar (800 psi).
**** The use of O-rings as high speed rotary shaft seals is usually not recommended for applications requiring lower than -40°C (-40°F) or higher than 121°C (250°F) operating temperatures.
***** The O-ring gland in a rotary shaft application should not be used as a bearing surface. The shaft should be contained by bearings that will permit the O-ring to operate under the lowest possible heat and load
+ Please note that some AS568-0XX O-rings have atypical cross sections. Please see our General Groove Guide for more information, or feel free to get in touch with our engineers if you have any questions about O-rings, gaskets, & custom molded parts.

Please consult a Canyon Components Engineer about your specific application and we will use our decades of experience to formulate a solution that fits your need.
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